Valuing Your Time —The Get a Job Clock Is Ticking

valuing your time

Being deprived of your job role is undoubtedly a serious matter; we can all agree on that fact. A lot of the time it is sudden and unpredicted and you are most likely not ready for it in any way. But instead of sulking at home, valuing your time should be a top priority.

With dismissal and no wages coming your way, what’s the one thing that is still in your control?


That’s it! You have all the time to effect a huge difference in your life, but, only if you recognize its worth.

Time is a possession that no one can steal from you except if you authorize it yourself. How you value your time when you are without gainful employment will certainly have a significant say in where you settle next and how soon.

Folks often forfeit their employment and start treating their time as a long weekend; embarking on family trips, revamping their home, and catching up on sleep. Although it is good to take pleasure in a bit of your newfound liberty, for most people their savings may tell them to do things differently.

In my fifteen years of coaching, I have only met a handful or so who could possibly ride the wave of being out of work for a long time. The majority of us have to get back on our working feet fast!

One colossal error a lot of us commit is forgetting to understand that there is a big cost to not being employed. When you realize the significance of time you will not be without a job for long. Do what it takes to get contracted quickly.

Stop handling your joblessness as a vacation, because vacations do not exist for folks who are not working. Lots of employers say that they notice the job hunters who respond on the weekend; it shows their devotion. To them, it can make a huge difference.

The entire process of job pursuit, sending resumes, hearing back, interviews, etc can be time-consuming and exhausting. For most, a job hunt may take a lot longer than expected.

If you approach the job hunt process without commitment it may,- in fact, take the better part of a year or even more. Ask yourself, can you afford to be without a job for that long?

I’d say begin planning cleverly. Invest time in yourself and your career ahead. Although your peers may be stuffing their savings, yours is steadily draining. Don’t settle for this.

Start today!

Keep the bigger picture in mind and declutter your calendar to include more important activities. Use the early hours of the day and late into the evening doing your admin work and leave your 9-5 office hours for appointments (both virtual and face to face).

At Career Network Club, we can help you out, but again, we really need your time.

If you are willing to devote the time (up to 14 weeks) to our coaching and skill-building services, we guarantee you that we will value your time and assist you to find your dream job. Our expert career search support team will start working the moment you register.

If we fail to help you secure a job by the end of the 14 weeks, you can simply stop paying us. This will not stop us from assisting you; we vouch to continue providing you with our effective and professional services till you have a job at hand.

Irrespective of whether or not you choose to join us, the significance of your time can not be emphasized enough. How you invest your time today is the only thing that will bring about the success you desire for yourself tomorrow.

So start valuing your time today, and start from now!

These are a few recommendations to help you out

  1. Only give your resume tweaking so much time. In the end, the process is about you.
  2. Try out the Pomodoro Time Manager to structure your time.
  3. Recognize that the best time you can spend is in networking and being in front of probable hiring managers.

The Career Network Club (CNC) is a North American Career Coaching Community that offers pay-as-you-go coaching services for mid to senior-level business professionals. CNC is owned by Curt Skene, a former award-winning training manager for Microsoft, and worldwide founder of Microsoft Skills 2000. The Career Network Club is proud to be the home of the ‘Job Offer Guarantee’ so that business professionals like yourself can Get Hired, Quick and Easy!

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