The Correct way to Deal with and Make the Best of Negative Feedbac…

Summary: Negative feedbacks are not good in any capacity, yet they come even when they are least expected. But if you handle things right, you can use it to your own advantage and move your career forward.

A person might say a hundred fantastic things regarding you but it is that specific unfavorable comment that overpowers your convictions. Antagonistic observation and critical remarks trigger unfavorable emotions like fear, unhappiness, and annoyance in a man or woman.

Negative observation often comes unexpectedly, resulting in disbelief, discouragement, and defensive behavior. Be it from an overdemanding boss, a nitpicking manager, a workmate who constantly breathes down your neck, or a displeased client; annoying remarks can be similarly mortifying.

Here are some helpful tips to help you build expertise to endure damaging feedback and flip it around as a resource for support and development.

Do not React, Respond!

Our innate aptitude to react abruptly oftentimes lands us in worse problems.

An angry counteraction can inflame the undesirable observation, mindlessly validating the critical remarks you got. Therefore, pause and take a deep breath to deal with what you are being told. Evaluate the accuracy of the criticism and judge the manner in which it is being presented.

If the other man or woman is not actually supercilious, is making an attempt to make you sense comfortable, and providing room for progress, receive the criticism as a learning curve.

Damaging remarks are not actually intended to reduce you. Ask forgiveness if you are specifically accountable for it and show determination for advancement.

However, if you believe that the damaging feedback is unfair, communicate it with dignity after listening closely and evaluating the other individual’s standpoint.

There is no point in taking destructive unfavorable judgment seriously and making an effort to demonstrate your worth. As an alternative to getting resistive and granting it more power, let it roll off your back.

Don’t Think of it as a Private Attack

Bad news is usually good news in disguise. It’s difficult to see it initially but the key is to regard where it is originating. You can usually tell the intent instigating the critical remarks from the way it is delivered and the man or woman giving it.

A spiteful workmate or a supervisor with a private enmity may have unhealthy intentions for you. In this particular case, the critical remarks could be a private slander and you ought to not at all burn up your energy and time on it.

Negative observation is not actually a private attack on your value, aptitudes, and skill-sets. It is not meant to ruin your hard work. All of us make blunders; this is what makes us human. Having someone mention your blunders with a motive to develop is a blessing. Be grateful for having a person who cares enough to inform you where and how you can grow.

Do not Estrange

Given that antagonistic remarks hurt the ego, one tends to keep away from the person who gave it. Becoming uncomfortable and estranging yourself is one way to set about it, but it is absolutely not the right way.

It may seem to be difficult initially but it is ideal to take the individual who criticized in the loop as an alternative to distancing yourself. Make going back to them for more remarks, and convey your attempts and advancement routinely. With the right approach, you can make your critics your major cheerleaders. Find this as an opportunity to reset your relationship with them.

Assess Yourself From Critic’s Standpoint

Changing positions with another person can bring clearness, understanding, and approval of what they are making an effort to convey.

Seeing things coming from a different viewpoint will help you recognize that what is acceptable for you might not actually be for others. You might figure out better approaches for a situation. Try to be objective while getting feedback and manage to keep your feelings at a distance.

Take Responsibility and Concentrate On Progressing

One thing we frequently do is to find someone to put the blame on. It is challenging to take accountability for a thing that went wrong. Take charge of the things that are under your control and suggest a way forward.

It is very easy to lose oneself in a descending spiral after a hindrance. Keep yourself together and emphasize fixing the problem instead of dodging the blame. Keeping the conversation forward-driven will make both the parties comfortable and there will be a shift in focus coming from harmful observation to practical solutions and actions.

Damaging feedback is as beneficial as positive observation if we learn to address it mindfully. No matter how outstanding you are, at some point in your career, you have to face displeasing comments. Knowing how to address it gracefully and flipping it around as a chance to grow and grow your relationships and career in the business is what determines your success.

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